Samstag, 9. Mai 2009

some vids frome youtube

well, what shall i say, just some videos i found while surfin on youtube.
might interest, amuse, frighten and maybe even be favored by you.

here we go:

Capitalism (1948)
In this propaganda movie some students discuss on the idea of capitalism.
see for yourself, funny.

Obama will convert USA into a communist country
i have to admit, this is the most idiotic nonsense i've seen recently.
read the comments, hurt yourself.

Anti Communist Propaganda (1948)
yeah, always liked that moralizing comic films.

Wahrheit über Antifa

media pro-patria & volksfront medien (actual the same) try to tell you with funny abbreviated capitalism critics that you should reeinforce and fight for nationalsocialism.
highlights of total bullshit include:

"Ihr seid die faschisten. verlangt nicht nur sozialismus von anderen, sondern seid selber mal ein bisschen tolerant."

"Kapital und Zins sind die Säulen ihrer Macht"

"Denn eine Brechung mit dieser Zinsknechtschaft gab es schonmal. Und der echte Antikapitalismus kommt nicht aus eurer richtung, ihr seid nur kleine, verwirrte Systemlinge. Nationaler Sozialismus erkämpfen, hier und jetzt."

can't stand it anymore. So called "autonome nationalisten", acting like a mixture of old SS-Kader and nazi-(skin)bonehead-ideologist, try to gain uneducated, unpolitical poor people to vote for the new ultrarightwing, nationalsocialist NPD, and fight for so called "nationaler sozialismus", which in fact is nothing other then the nationalsocialist ideology and fascism which lead to the holocaust and world war two killing 6 and 40 million people between 1938 and 1945.

der wahre Black Bloc
atleast a antifascist blackbloc answer on this nazi video is reall fun.
"yeah! fuck ey fuck alda! hauptsache du hast immer das richtige outfit an!"

have fun

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